Subject: Re: [apfn-1] A Living Christ Speaks with Clarity
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2017-12-27 22:42:27 UTC
Subject: Re: [apfn-1] A Living Christ Speaks with Clarity

From: ***@aol.com

To: ***@earthlink.net

ew: Ray, to you and you alone--

rk: I'm Sorry Emily, as the daughter of King Edward VII, former King of England, and One aspiring to the throne of England when you speak to a man of Truth, a Christ, it must be public for all to grasp. Only Satanic activity of politicians and priests along with Corporate pirates thrive on secrecy.

ew: Simple, but in error.

rk: We shall see, shall we not?

ew: God is NOT nondual, because He must deal with Laws of Attraction AND Repulsion

rk: What laws, Natural Law is the essence of God. Infinite Intelligence does not tarry at the level of How to deal with Natural Forces, Satanic Intellect does.

ew: Satan is achieveed Coherence, is no longer split, no longer on the Dark Side.

rk: That is merely an intellectual opinion not Universally shared, therefore an Illusion when confronting a Man of Truth, a Christ.

ew: Christianity has embraced Annunaki DOGMA, is sliding toward the Darkness of Sodomy & Child Sacrifice

rk: Such human degradagion is still within the realm of intellectual knowledge gained through satamic scholarship, another fragmented belief which is not universally open and shared to all.

ew: Heaven is full of gullible people who are unaware of corruption.

rk: No, Heaven is the realm of holistic Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-blood, natural People untouched by the cursed time-bound and fragmented intellects of Satanists who cannot access such holistic (holy) environment and thus remain to serve in Hell as Kings and Queens over acknowledged consentual slaves.

ew: Hell is full of well-meaning scapegoats who tried merely to solve problems, but were destroyed instead. It's a real place, just as real as this one.

rk: Not only is HELL real, IT IS this civilized society that you point to. Have I not been trying to wake up a satanically spellbound public for 22 years on the Internet?

ew: Citizens are caught in Hells created out of the Zionist-Illuminist-Globalist drive for population disabling and death.

rk: No Emily, it goes well beyond that. It applies spiritually to everyone who has sold their souls for security to Intellectual icons such as Satanic Government and Religious Leaders. It is the Illusion which creates and fortifies HELL ITSELF! For all men are co-creators of their world, though most are immersed in CONDITIONED IGNORANCE.

ew: Christs are many, but their knowing is not coherent, so they teach division.

rk: That is absolute hogwash, You got that all BASSACKWARDS, do you not. Is it not the Satanic Intellect that teaches and supports division and opposition. However, it does reveal where you are coming from, does it not?

ew: Please cease Wishing and start LISTENING MORE.

rk: To whom? Who shall speak for me when truth is required? That is why I put everything in writing, and that the the protection that any man of Truth can expect.

ew: With kindest regards,

rk: Emily, you have provided a great service to humanity. You display the energy of a potential Queen, a manipulative intellect.

rk: Queen of England Indeed?

Emily Windsor

”No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind ­ INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!”

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ


Vimeo Videos
A Living Christ reveals the secret of Heaven and Hell

A Living Christ says BOYCOTT Government and Religion
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2017-12-28 03:02:08 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Subject: Re: [apfn-1]
Another kooky site that can't stand the competition?

Let me know when you get banned from this one.
Smith's 29
2017-12-29 16:41:16 UTC
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Subject: Re: [apfn-1]
Another kooky site that can't stand the competition?
Let me know when you get banned from this one.
Let us know when the icepick goes in your forehead.
